EASO veröffentlicht 8 COI-Berichte: zu Afghanistan, zur Türkei und zu Westbalkan-Staaten

Das EU-Unterstützungsbüro für Asylfragen (EASO) veröffentlichte eine aktualisierte Fassung seines Herkunftsländerinformationsbericht zur Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan. Außerdem wurden 7 Berichte zu den Westbalkan-Staaten sowie zur Türkei veröffentlicht.

Das EU-Unterstützungsbüro für Asylfragen (EASO) veröffentlichte eine aktualisierte Fassung seines Herkunftsländerinformationsbericht zur Sicherheitslage in Afghanistan. Außerdem wurden 7 Berichte zu den Westbalkan-Staaten sowie zur Türkei veröffentlicht.

Aus der Pressemitteilung zum Afghanistan-Update:

Until the end of September 2016, Afghanistan ranked 2nd in the top countries of origin in EU+ countries, with more than 153,000 applicants. In addition, the Afghan applications constitute the largest backlog of all countries of origin. By the end of September 2016, there were more than 230,000 pending asylum applications from Afghan nationals in the EU+.

This COI report represents a second update on the security situation in Afghanistan. The report was co-drafted by researchers from the national asylum authorities of Austria, Belgium, France, Hungary and Poland in accordance with the EASO COI Report Methodology. Researchers from Greece and Slovakia did supportive research and the report was reviewed and commented upon by COI researchers from Austria, Canada, EASO, Finland, Ireland and UNHCR.

The ‚Afghanistan security situation‘ report provides a general description of the security situation in Afghanistan, covering the following topics: a brief historic overview; actors in the conflict; security trends and armed confrontations, description of tactics and arms used; state ability to secure law and order; impact of the violence on the civilian population; and the geographical overview of the security situation. The report also provides a description of the security situation for each of the 34 provinces and Kabul City. In these chapters, a general overview of the province is given, followed by a background on the conflict and actors in the province, and recent security trends including data on violent incidents, and qualitative information on the type of violence. Finally, a brief overview of violence-induced displacements is given. The reference period for the security report runs from 1 September 2015 until 31 August 2016.“ (EASO Pressemitteilung, 9. November 2016)

Der Bericht ist verfügbar unter:

EASO: Afghanistan: Security Situation, November 2016

Die früheren Fassungen des Berichts sind verfügbar unter:
http://www.ecoi.net/doc/318610 (Jänner 2016)
http://www.ecoi.net/doc/296655 (Jänner 2015)

Update 16. November 2016: Das EASO hat heute 7 weitere COI-Berichte veröffentlicht, und zwar zur Türkei und zu Staaten des Westbalkans. Die Berichte wurden auf Ersuchen des Europäischen Parlaments und des Rates erstellt, im Rahmen der Überlegungen zu einer EU-Liste sicherer Herkunftsstaaten:

„The European Asylum Support Office (EASO) published Country of Origin Information (COI) Reports on Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. These reports, drafted upon request of the European Parliament and the Council, provide factual information on selected topics relevant for safe country designation, more specifically in the framework of the proposal for an EU List of Safe Countries of Origin.“ (EASO press release, 16 November 2016)

The reports are available on ecoi.net.

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